Business Insurance in and around Metairie
Calling all small business owners of Metairie!
No funny business here
Business Insurance At A Great Value!
Running a business is about more than being your own boss. It’s a lifestyle and a way of life. It's a vision for a bright future for you and for everyone you care for. Because you do whatever it takes to make your business thrive, you’ll want small business insurance from State Farm. Business insurance protects all your hard work with extra liability coverage, a surety or fidelity bond, and errors and omissions liability.
Calling all small business owners of Metairie!
No funny business here
Customizable Coverage For Your Business
At State Farm, you can be sure to get the excellent coverage you need for your business, whether it's an art gallery, a pet groomer, or a beauty salon. Agent Bryan Schexnayder is also a business owner and understands your needs. Not only that, but customizing your policy is another asset that sets State Farm apart. From one small business owner to another, this coverage takes the cake.
Contact agent Bryan Schexnayder to discuss your small business coverage options today.
Simple Insights®
Fire safety for businesses
Fire safety for businesses
Learn workplace fire safety and prevention tips to help protect your employees and business.
Disaster preparedness for your business
Disaster preparedness for your business
Create a business disaster plan to protect your employees, secure assets and resume operations.
Bryan Schexnayder
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Fire safety for businesses
Fire safety for businesses
Learn workplace fire safety and prevention tips to help protect your employees and business.
Disaster preparedness for your business
Disaster preparedness for your business
Create a business disaster plan to protect your employees, secure assets and resume operations.